IET Electrical website: new for 2018
The website is due to launch by the end of this month. In the meantime, you might see some changes on a few pages, such as the Shop – which, in early March, will be updated with 18th Edition books ready for you to pre-order.
The new Electrical site is part of a broader package of improvements we’re making to help us to continue to provide to the Electrotechnical community. Where 2017 focused on communications changes (introduction of our Twitter, more videos, more Wiring Matters issues and an improved Wiring Matters PDF download magazine), we are now focusing on technical delivery. The IET’s new Academy will be launching, and will be providing training on BS 7671:2018 (more on this below). We are also continuing to source other ways to make our website better, such as improved Shop functionality, which we hope will launch towards the end of this year.
What does this mean for you?
The changes are largely cosmetic, and the website will have a slightly different look and feel. The change to the new site should be quick and painless, so you shouldn’t experience any downtime or problems loading pages. If you do, please let me know: wiringmatters@theiet.org.
We will be redirecting old links to the new site. However, you may wish to update your bookmarks once the site is launched.
The forum and shop use different technology, so some of the benefits you’ll experience on the new site – such as the mobile responsiveness – will not be fully available on the forum and shop in the very near future.
What’s changed?
To introduce you to the new website, let’s take a tour of each tab:
BS 7671
The main objective of the Electrical site is to give you updates and information about BS 7671. This tab remains much the same as the current ‘Wiring Regulations’ tab – we’re just calling it by its official name.
We’ve streamlined our shop to make it easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for. All our BS 7671:2018 titles will be available for pre-order from early March with 10% off.
We’re making it easier for you to find out what training is available to you. We’re excited to announce that the IET’s new Academy is launching in March, which will be providing training on BS 7671:2018 – more on this below.
The Training tab also pulls together other learning and development resources, such as the Student’s Hub and a link to our Events page.
Wiring Matters
The magazine is still available for free online. We’re introducing an easier way to subscribe, so that you can keep up to date on all the information about BS 7671 and your electrotechnical career, plus the work of the IET Standards team.
We’ve also made improvements to the PDF that you can download for free every issue. And, if you subscribe, we’ll send you a special printed edition at the end of each year.
Our Resources area brings together all our free tools that you can use. You can contact the Technical Helpline to ask about a query related to BS 7671, access model forms, get information about the Building Regulations, Student’s Hub and also find Wiring Matters.
Our popular forum is still where it used to be – log in to comment and be part of our community.
BS 7671:2018 and related guidance
Introducing: the IET’s Academy
The IET’s new Academy offers a range of online training, including a training course to help bring you up to speed with the changes made to BS 7671 by the 18th Edition.
This training course, C&G 2382:18, is available online or offline via a free app, and you can learn at your own pace with access to the course content for 12 months. It offers you:
- expert technical content to get up to speed with BS 7671:2018
- full or update course to suit your existing qualification level
- 12 months access to all content
- online/offline access via a dedicated app, when it suits you, at your own pace
- three full practice exams and
- a certificate of completion.