Guide to Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Local Authorities
A guide for Local Authorities (and their advisors) to help them with the planning and implementation of an electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Guide to Depot Charging of Electric Heavy Goods Vehicles
The IET has developed guidance to address the needs and considerations related to providing eHGV charging solutions and the operation of eHGV fleets. This guidance introduces the main aspects of depot electrification and explores the key technical and financial factors.
On-Board Guide: Electrical Safety for Small Craft
This new On-Board Guide provides practical advice on the design, installation, testing, commissioning, and maintenance of electrical installations on small recreational and commercial craft
Guidance Framework for Competence Management
This guide provides a framework for a Competence Management System (CMS) that is simple and has a focus on practicable implementation. The guidance is aimed at all enterprises involving activities associated with engineering disciplines.
Electrician’s Guide to Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems, 3rd Edition
This Guide is ideal for individuals involved in the design and installation of fire detection systems as part of electrical installations. It offers information, advice, and guidance on managing BS 7671 and BS 5839 requirements.
Code of Practice for the Application of LED Lighting Systems, 2nd Edition
This Code of Practice has been developed to provide confidence to users as a minimum standard for LED lighting systems installation.
The 2nd edition has been updated to reflect new standards and guidance.
Code of Practice for Connected Systems Integration in Buildings
This Code aims to promote good practice in the specification, design and integration of connected systems in buildings, as well as provide a reference to practitioners on design, integration practice and technological considerations working to meet key functionality and customer requirements.
Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, 5th Edition
This well established and authoritative IET Code of Practice provides a clear explanation of electric vehicle charging equipment and installation. It sets out the considerations and planning needed in advance and the necessary physical and electrical requirements during the installation process.
Electric Vehicle Charging Installations at Filling Stations
This guide provides additional information specific to those involved with installing electric vehicle charging equipment in filling station locations.
Electrical Craft Principles, Volume 1, 5th Edition
This is the first of a two-volume work covering the electrical principles syllabuses of all of the major examining bodies including the City & Guilds of London Institute's electrical craft courses. It is also suitable for a wide range of other courses, including the first three years of the BTEC electrical series.
Electrical Craft Principles, Volume 2, 5th Edition
This is the second of a two-volume work covering the electrical principles syllabuses of all of the major examining bodies.
Code of Practice for Electrical Energy Storage Systems, 3rd Edition
This Code of Practice looks at EESS applications and provides information for practitioners to specify safely and effectively, design, install, commission, operate and maintain a system.
Guide to Electrical Installations in Medical Locations
This guide provides definitive guidance on electrical installations in medical locations, including earthing and bonding arrangements.
Electrician’s Guide to Emergency Lighting, 3rd Edition
This popular Guide has been updated to take into account changes to the Code of Practice for the Emergency Lighting of Premises in BS 5266-1:2016.
Electrical Installation Design Guide, 5th Edition
step-by-step guidance on the design of electrical installations. The guide will be useful for apprentices and trainees carrying out the calculations necessary for a basic installation and has been fully updated to BS 7671:2018+A2:2022.
Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment, 5th Edition
The 5th Edition of this popular Code of Practice contains new guidance around the requirements for electrical safety management and guidance on the new product classifications, among a range of other changes.
Guide to Smart Homes for Electrical Installers
This guide outlines the ways for installers to work with their customers to deliver the perfect smart home solution. It focuses on progressive technology solutions and best practice guidance on the implementation of smart home solutions.
Practitioner’s Guide to Temporary Power Systems
This handy-sized guide provides clarity on the technical and practical requirements of BS 7671:2018 and BS 7909:2011 that are relevant to all those working with temporary power systems.
Temporary Power Systems: a guide to the application of BS 7671 and BS 7909 for temporary events
This is an indispensable book for all those working with any temporary power system, including; Agricultural shows and outdoor fairs; Concerts; Theatrical events; Film and TV broadcasting; Exhibitions; Festivals; Temporary buildings and structures.