The IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition BS 7671 and local Network Events
Being a member of the IET has several benefits one of which is having advanced notification of local network events covering a vast array of subjects relative to the engineering industry. The publication of the 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regulations has created a surge in demand for local network events to provide updates and insight into the new and amended requirements. As the IET are the secretariat for JPEL/64 and its sub-committees responsible for the development of the Wiring Regulations, it is only natural that those in the electrical industry seek information from the IET.
The technical regulations team is headed up by Mark Coles, Secretary of JPEL/64/D (External Influences)
Our team of engineers at the IET consists of:
Chief Engineer Geoff Cronshaw, Secretary of JPEL/64 National committee
Senior Engineer Leon Markwell, Secretary to JPEL/64/A (Verification) & JPEL/64/ B (Thermal effects)
Senior Engineer Steven Devine, Secretary to JPEL/64/C (Shock Protection)
We all visit various locations around the UK and overseas to deliver IET Local Network events, the most recent delivered by myself in Scunthorpe providing an overview of the most significant changes to the 18th Edition of The IET Wiring Regulations.
Local network events are a fantastic way for us to meet with electricians, electrical engineers, designers and many others working in the electrotechnical industry to inform, influence and inspire. It also provides us with the opportunity to hear from those that the Wiring Regulations matter to the most and we seldom leave an event without a thought provoking question or two.
The Scunthorpe event was organised by IET member Richard Rennie and held at the British Steel conference centre. As with all the local network events the host is responsible for arranging the venue and marketing the event and I am very pleased to say that Richard did a terrific job. The British Steel conference centre was conveniently located with great facilities and there was plenty of tea and coffee to go around for what turned out to be a busy event.
There were over 60 attendees ranging from electrical apprentices to electrical design engineers as well as many lecturers who are delivering 18th Edition training courses. With the presentations designed to last around an hour it is imperative that we make the most of the time available at these events so without delay at 19:00 the presentation commenced. Many of the new requirements and amendments to existing requirements are quite complex and require significant time to discuss in detail. I therefore focused on the most significant changes to the requirements including the recommendation for AFDDs, the need to take into consideration atmospheric conditions to assess whether Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) are required, some changes to requirements for electric vehicle charging stations and Chapter 46 Requirements for Isolation and Switching.
The presentations usually last for around one hour and afterwards we have time for a chat with those who are not inclined to raise a hand and speak out during the Q&A session. It is a great way to add a personal touch to the event and it provides no end of networking opportunities for attendees and the IET alike.
The IET 18th Edition seminar is being held in London on 7th January 2019.